Dr. Kristine Chalyan-Daffner
Sprachdozentin – Dolmetscherin – Übersetzerin
Deutsch – Russisch – Armenisch
Sprachdozentin – Dolmetscherin – Übersetzerin
Deutsch – Russisch – Armenisch
Sprachdozentin – Dolmetscherin – Übersetzerin
Deutsch – Russisch – Armenisch
I offer a wide range of professional services in the field of translation in the following language combinations.
My translation services comprise the following types of written texts:
The translation rate depends on the difficulty and size of the text and should be agreed upon from case to case. The price also includes posting costs. Upon receiving your enquiry, I will gladly send you a non-binding estimate.
For further questions, please, feel free to contact me by telephone +49 (0) 17631029039 (per WhatsApp, Viber) or info[at]sprachmittler-kcd.de.